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Sacred Rudraksha

Genuine Nepali and Java Rudraksha beads

Chatur 4
Mukhi Rudraksha

Deity is Brahma

Planet = Mercury.

Mantra = Om hreem namah. 

Suitable for: This rudraksha is said to inincrease memory, and diseases related to the mind such as epilepsy. Writers, artists, scientists, journalists and students will also gain from this Rudraksha. This Rudraksha is said to contain the four Vedas. Success in all directions as Brahma has four heads and helps to succeed in all fields. It is beneficial to all students, from high school to scientists.

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Four Mukhi

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Four mukhi length is 14mm Aud $5. Bead only.

Indonesian 4 mukhi, this bead can be used as a pendant or in a mala.

Four Mukhi

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Four mukhi width is 22mm Aud $10. Bead only.

Nepali bead ideal as combination or as a pendant.

4 mukhi - catur mukhi Rudraksha, benefits and uses of four mukhi.

This Rudraksha bead represents Brahma the creator, ideal for students and those seeking knowledge, musicians, artists, scientists and writers also benefit. Deeper knowledge is attained in a particular subject as well as greater creative powers. 
This Rudrakshais also ideal for children to help with concentration at school, also been used to improve one’s memory.
Several four mukhi beads placed in a glass of water overnight, and the water drank in the morning is said to improve memory. 
This bead astrologically represents the planet Mercury, so if one has a malefic Mercury in their jyotish chart can affects one’s memory and general studying ability, also communication is affected. A badly afflicted Mercury needs a 4 mukhi bead. This bead is considered the remedy. 
There are a couple mantras which can be recited to evoke the bead, namely Om Hreem namah, Om Hreem Chaturvaktrasya.

Most would use the Nepali beads due to the low cost of this bead, though multiple Indonesian beads can be as effective. 
Caturmukhi is mentioned in various ancient sources such as the Shiva MahaPuran (Vidyesvara Samhita) Chapter 25 part 68 where it mentions;‘Four faces is Brahma himself.It quells the sins of man slaughter. Its vision and its and its contact instantaneously bestow the achievement of four aims of life. In Padma Puran Chapter 57 part 48:‘A Rudraksha with four mouths is Brahma himself; a brahmana on whose body it remains would become adept in all branches of knowledge and the best amongst those who know the Vedas; he would know all essential principles of religion and worldly prosperity and proficient in traditional law and in the Puranas. By wearing a Rudraksha with four mouths the sin of homicide or living in houses with with many beings quickly burns. Shiva is always pleased and he would be the lord of beings. Similarly he is born as the Lord and the man is not at all afraid.’ Also mentioned in Nirnayasindhu, Rudrakshajabalopanisad, and Srimaddevibhagavat. 
This bead is supposed to cure diseases such as mental disease, gall bladder, paralysis, yellow fever, and paralysis. Copyright © Sacred Rudraksha.

Four Mukhi


Four mukhi Collector width is 26.5mm Aud $40. Bead only.

One only very large piece and symetrical

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